
Message from the President

Based on the history and trust we have cultivated, we aim to achieve corporate transformation and create new value through "art" and "science."

President and Representative Director, Group CEO Satoru Takashima
The business environment that surrounds us is changing rapidly and rapidly. The novel coronavirus infection, which has raged around the world for three years, has turned the clock forward in many aspects of society. In our company, too, the demand for printing inks has irreversibly decreased due to rapid digitalization. Since I myself had just been appointed president, I felt a great sense of crisis about the challenges I was facing, and it was an opportunity for me to start thinking seriously about corporate transformation.
Going back to the basics, our founder, Kamataro Kobayashi, believed that education was essential for the development of Japan because he was illiterate himself, and started his business by manufacturing and selling ink for printing books and textbooks. The DNA of looking to the future and contributing to society has been passed down from generation to generation.
We will always be aware of the fundamental question of whether we are really producing what society needs now and whether we will be able to continue to create it in the future, and to that end, we will resolutely carry out corporate transformation and steer the company to become a company that can continue to create new value.

President and Representative Director, Group CEO

President and Representative Director, Group CEO Satoru Takashima
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