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Continuing the challenge of establishing a society where people can live enriched lives, by creating value that resonates with the senses.

The artience Group has launched the new artience 2027/2030 management plan, under the slogan of “GROWTH” toward 2030, with the key aims of building a future where all people can live enriched lives, creating a sustainable society, and maximizing corporate value. The plan has three basic policies: Business Portfolio Transformation, Maximizing Capital Efficiency and Cash Flow, and Building a Corporate Foundation and Sustainability Management.
In particular, Building a Corporate Foundation and Sustainability Management indicates the direction of structural transformation that is essential for us to become a more sustainable corporate group, and we are working on five material issues in line with this policy. We will seek to further expand our ESG initiatives based on our asv2050/2030 Sustainability Vision ̶ with 2050 as the target year and 2030 as a milestone year ̶ and implement sustainability management practices.
To address climate change, which is a key global issue, we aim to reduce our CO2 emissions in Japan by 35% from the FY2020 level by FY2030 and reduce our overseas emissions by 35% in FY2030 from the business-as-usual (BAU) level, with an eye toward achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. We will strive to expand sustainability-enhancing products and increase the ratio of net sales to 80% by 2030, and to 100% in 2050.
On the other hand, as part of our governance reforms, we transitioned to a Audit and Supervisory Committee installation company in March 2022. Currently, we have welcomed three female Outside DirectorAs part of our reform of corporate governance, we transitioned to being a company with an audit and supervisory committee in March 2022. Today, three of our outside directors are women. We are increasing the percentage of officers that are outside officers to enable discussions to be more active and include more diverse perspectives. Apart from that, we will continue to improve our corporate governance by continually improving our whistle-blowing systems and information security measures, including outside Japan.
The artience Group has a Corporate Philosophy of People-oriented management and understands that strengthening human capital is one of the top priority issues to tackle.
We will also strive to advance DE&I, to create a workplace environment that is fulfilling to workers, and to develop personnel capable of digital transformation (DX.) In January 2023, the D&I Promotion Office (now the DE&I Promotion Office) was established in the Human Resources Department. Under a new structure, we will speed up our activities. We will respect diverse values and strive to make ourselves an organization where employees with all attributes can display their potential.
Along with changing the name of the company on January 1, 2024, we established a new philosophy consisting of the Corporate Philosophy, the Brand Promise and Our Principles. Our Brand Promise, “Creating value that resonates with the senses and building a future where all people can live enriched lives,” is a statement of our resolve to our current and future stakeholders. Heading into the future, the artience Group will continue to take on the challenge of establishing a society where people can live enriched lives, by creating value that resonates with the senses.
President and Representative Director, Group CEO