
Sustainability Top

Ensuring Quality and Safety

Basic approach

Our group reliably carries out quality assurance at all stages, from planning and research and development to sales and after-sales service, and always provides products that can be guaranteed to our customers. When developing new products or new businesses, we conduct evaluations and verifications in accordance with our own company regulations before commercializing them.
Additionally, we utilize the international standard for quality, ISO 9001, to enhance and strengthen quality assurance throughout the group.
In the medical field, such as transdermal patches, we manufacture products based on Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards for manufacturing and quality control of pharmaceuticals.

  1. We will instill and establish the philosophy and behavior of "providing cutting-edge technology and quality" in the management philosophy of the Toyo Ink Group in all business operations, and build a market-in quality assurance system. The quality here includes not only the function of the product, but also the safety and environmental aspects related to the product.
  2. In order to enhance and strengthen quality assurance, we will utilize the international standard "ISO 9001" and make it a company-wide activity. In addition, if the concept of quality assurance is separately stipulated by laws and regulations, we will strive to enhance and strengthen quality assurance activities in accordance with it.

Promotion system

Led by the Quality Management Committee, we carry out activities aimed at building a quality assurance system and improving the level of quality assurance at all of our group's production bases. At the semi-annual Quality Management Committee, we aim to share quality improvement activity strategies at all domestic and overseas production sites.
In addition, to ensure that customers can use our group's products with peace of mind, Production-Logistics Planning Department artience Co., Ltd. holds a "quality risk diagnosis meeting" to check the situation at each site from a third-party perspective and We are promoting the creation of a corporate culture that prevents fraud.
In addition, in order to further stabilize quality and reduce quality risks, we have established the "Global Standard for Quality," a quality standard that will enable us to supply the same high-quality products anywhere in the world, and will roll it out to all production sites. We are proceeding.


Management and provision of product information

In addition to distributing product safety data sheets (SDS) to our employees, our group also provides them through our customer portal site, ``Sommelier.'' We are building a system to provide product information more quickly and support our customers. In the event a serious product accident occurs, we promptly report it and have a system in place to prevent the spread.
In addition to our own products, we also sell other companies' products (products for sale), and we strive to handle and manage the products we sell with consideration for customer safety.

Number of serious product accidents

(Unit: cases)

2020 2021 2022
Number of serious product accidents 0 0 0

Providing product safety information globally and complying with laws and regulations

In order to provide global information to customers in each country, our group is equipped with an SDS creation system that supports the languages and laws of export destinations, and is unique in that it can centrally manage information on chemical substance-related laws and regulations in each country and region. We operate a chemical substance management system. Group companies in Japan and overseas are promoting the operation of this system and supporting customers' risk assessments by providing SDS that comply with the laws and regulations of each country. Furthermore, in order to properly comply with the information stipulated by each country's laws and regulations on labels, the GHS guidelines are used as a group standard at each domestic and overseas group company.
Even at our overseas bases, we are working to strengthen compliance with chemical substance-related laws and regulations by promoting the use of search tools that allow us to check whether a chemical substance name falls under each country's laws and regulations.



Responding to product risk information

Our group has established ``Product Risk Information Response Guidelines'' in order to promptly and appropriately respond company-wide to product risks. Production-Logistics Planning Department artience Co., Ltd. and other organizations work together with core operating companies and affiliated companies to address product risks as part of quality assurance activities.