Investor relations

Rating/bond information

Rating information

Rating agency name Issuer rating, etc. (direction) short term rating
Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) A- (stable) a-1
Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) Ap (stable) -

As of May 27, 2024

corporate bond

Brand name Publication date Total amount issued Interest rate (%)
collateral redemption period
1st unsecured corporate bond October 27, 2022 5 billion yen 0.56% Unsecured October 27, 2027
2nd unsecured bond October 19, 2023 5 billion yen 0.668% Unsecured October 19, 2028

As of October 19, 2023

For details on ratings, please refer to each site below.

Rating and Investment Information Center (R&I)

Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR)


