
Sustainability Top

Chemical Management

Basic approach

Our group aims to reduce the environmental impact of our products and services throughout their entire life cycle, from raw material procurement, production, distribution, use, disposal, and recycling in the development and provision of our products and services, and strive to preserve and restore the environment and contribute to people's health and safety. Our Basic Policy on the Environment stipulates that we strive to take the environment into account. In order to comply with this guideline, we manage chemical substances appropriately in each process such as product design, purchasing/importing raw materials, production, storage, transportation, and disposal, and strive to substitute or reduce highly hazardous substances. Masu.

Providing product safety information globally and complying with laws and regulations

Promotion system

artience Co., Ltd.'s Production-Logistics Planning Department and ESG Promotion Office work together to oversee and manage the environment, chemical substance management, and trade management for the entire group. We are also working on initiatives that align with the laws, regulations and practices of each country.

Targets and achievements


Goals for material issues (material issue 2)

Goals in asv2050/2030


Domestic emissions of Class 1 designated chemical substances under the Chemical Substances Release Monitoring and Management Promotion Law (PRTR Law) and substance groups designated by the Japan Chemical Industry Association in fiscal 2022 will be 78.8 tons (26.5 tons compared to the previous year). % increase), and overseas affiliates' total was 107.3t (49.7% decrease compared to the previous year).

Changes in chemical substance emissions
Changes in chemical substance emissions

Scope of calculation: Domestic major manufacturing facilities/factories and domestic affiliated companies; overseas, major overseas production affiliated companies.
*For overseas affiliates, the calculation method has changed from fiscal 2020, so the figures have been reviewed retroactively.


  • Complying with chemical substance management regulations
  • Chemical substance risk assessment
  • Human resource development through in-house training courses