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Health and Productivity Management

Basic approach

Based on our Corporate Philosophy of "People-oriented management," we believe that each employee is an asset to the company, and that it is important to create an environment where these human resources can make the most of their potential. I am. To this end, we are promoting ``creating a workplace environment where employees can work in good health'' through initiatives for employee health, including health promotion, disease prevention, and mental health care.

For the artience Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Group”) to achieve sustainable growth and contribute to improving the sustainability of society, it is essential to ensure that its most important management resource (capital), its employees, are sound in both mind and body, and that suitable systems and workplace environments are in place to allow all employees to maximize their abilities. To achieve this, we will share awareness of health at each stage, from management to workplaces and individual employees, establish and operate appropriate systems, and implement appropriate measures to achieve group-wide health management.
In addition, we will work to advance the Group’s medical and healthcare business, and contribute to the healthy lives of all people in society, by growing and developing it as one of our core businesses.
Based on this basic approach, we have established this Basic Policy on Health and Productivity Management (hereinafter referred to as this “Basic Policy”), and hereby declare our general direction regarding the Group’s health management activities.

Health and Productivity Management Declaration
  1. We will work to improve the quality of internal communication and build an environment that enables employees to work in good physical and mental health, as a part of our health and productivity management practices.
  2. We will take the initiative in the promotion of good health and disease prevention with the awareness that good health is essential for us to exercise our full potential.
  3. As a member of local community, we will proactively participate in activities for improving our physical and mental health including the involvement of our families and strive to expand these activities.
  4. As members of a corporate group that contributes to improving the sustainability of society, we support people’s healthy lives through our medical and healthcare business.
Scope of application

This Basic Policy applies to all directors, corporate advisors, and employees (including direct employees such as contractors and part-timers) of the Group and their family members. For this reason, all companies and organizational units that make up the Group will work toward the realization of effective health management.

Revision, abolition and management

Decisions regarding the revision or abolition of this Basic Policy shall be made by the Board of Directors of artience Co., Ltd.
The department in charge of the revision and abolition of this Basic Policy shall be the department that oversees the health and productivity management activities of artience Co., Ltd.

Established on April 13, 2009
Revised on January 1, 2024 (Resolved at Board of Directors on December 8, 2023)

Health management strategy map

Our group will implement the following measures and implement the PDCA cycle to address the issues we wish to resolve through health management.

Health management strategy map

Promotion system

Our group's health management is systematically promoted through the following system.

Health management promotion system (FY2023)
Health management promotion system diagram

Targets for Health and Productivity Management

We have set the following specific indicators and seven target values for the ideal form of health and productivity management, and are working on health management promotion activities with an awareness of objective evaluation analysis (KPI analysis) and the PDCA cycle.
Regular health seminars on women's bodies have been held to deepen understanding and interest in the importance of breast and cervical cancer prevention and early detection, resulting in an increase in the screening rate. The system of systematically granting annual paid leave (five days a year) has created an environment and workplace atmosphere that makes it easy to take paid leave, and the rate of taking paid leave has been on an upward trend for the past few years.
In the future, we will continue to investigate the causes of each risk and develop health measures to solve them.

index 2021 results 2022 results 2023 results Target value Statistics
(within Japan)
2025年 2030年
lifestyle-related diseases obesity risk
Percentage with BMI 25 or above
27.8% 28.2% 27.5% 22.3% 21.3% 26.3%※1
high blood pressure risk
Percentage of systolic blood pressure 140 mmHg or higher or diastolic blood pressure 90 mmHg or higher
11.1% 9.6% 9.9% 10.1% 9.7% 18.3%※2
diabetes risk
Rate of fasting blood glucose 110 mg/dL or higher or HbA1c 6.0% or higher
11.3% 11.2% 11.7% 9.5% 9.1% 13.1%※2
lipid risk
Percentage of neutral fat 200mg/dL or more, HDL 39mg/dL or less or 120mg/dL or more, LDL 140mg/dL or more
30.8% 30.2% 30.3% 35.0% 31.0% 31.2%※2
Family (Dependents aged 35 and over)
Specific medical examination participation rate
81.2% 81.9% 80.0% 88.0% 95.0% 49.5%※3
cancer Gynecological (breast cancer, uterine cancer) examination attendance rate 79.5% 81.9% 83.5% 80.0% 82.5% Breast cancer: 47.4%
Uterine cancer: 43.6 %*4
work life balance Average number of paid vacation days taken per year 11.5 days 12.5 days 13.8 days 13.0 days 14.0 days 12.0 days *5

* Since setting the targets, we have planned to change the target values and develop measures in line with the current situation due to (1) an increase in the average age of employees due to the extension of the retirement age, and (2) significant changes in lifestyle habits due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus infection.
*1 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 30th National Health and Nutrition Survey
*2 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Reiwa 5th year periodic health checkup result report
*3 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare FY2022 Specific Health Checkups and Specific Health Guidance Implementation Status [Overview]
*4 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 2022 (Reiwa 4) Overview of the Basic Survey on National Living Conditions
*5 Overview of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's Reiwa 5-Year Comprehensive Survey on Working Conditions

Health management investment amount

(in millions of yen)

2020 2021 2022 2023
101 125 122 112

* Breakdown: Amount of investment in health measures such as health checkups and vaccinations (56 million yen) and operation of in-house clinics (56 million yen)


Periodic health checkups

The periodic health checkups that we conduct every year are more thorough than those stipulated by law.
The screening rate is 100% every year, and the percentage of employees who undergo detailed examinations after regular health checkups was 82.6% in FY2022 and 95.7% in FY2023 (target value: 100%).
In addition, in order to prevent the aggravation of the disease, we are collaborating with the TOPPAN Group Health Insurance Society, to which we are a member, to continuously inform and raise awareness of the importance of hospital visits and treatment to patients and their families.
For high-risk individuals, we continue to provide health guidance through our in-house clinic.

Health Measures by Business Site

With regard to the health checkup results reports issued at each business site, we appoint a health promoter at each site and implement measures that match the health condition and work style of the business site.
We held 24 seminars in FY2022 and 18 in FY2023, including stretching and back pain improvement seminars, smoking cessation seminars, dental diagnosis events, and women's health support events.

Enhancement of elective welfare programs

The optional welfare program (cafeteria plan) offers a full range of health-related menus.
A variety of menus are available, including subsidies for sports expenses such as fitness, swimming, and golf, subsidies for vaccinations, subsidies for medical checks, subsidies for smoking cessation expenses, subsidies for expenses not covered by insurance, subsidies for differential bed costs at the time of hospitalization, and subsidies for the purchase of healthy foods, and the utilization rate of health-related menus in FY2023 was 25.7% of the entire cafeteria plan.

Mental Health Measures

  • Stress checks: Stress checks are conducted at all business sites in Japan, including those with fewer than 50 employees, and the goal is to maintain a test rate of 90% or higher, with 92.5% in FY2021, 90.9 % in FY2022, and 92.3% in FY2023.
  • Self-management e-learning(self-care learning): This is provided for new employees.
  • In-house counselor system: This is a system in which professional counselors from inside and outside the company visit the consultation room at the business site to consult with employees about their concerns. The consultation room operates as an independent institution.
  • In addition to the above, we have established multiple consultation desks, such as line care, health interviews by occupational health staff, and consultation services outside the workplace established by the Health Insurance Society.

Forest Therapy

Forest therapy is forest bathing backed by scientific evidence. We aim to maintain and improve mental and physical health and prevent diseases while enjoying forests.
It is recommended by the TOPPAN Group Health Insurance Society, to which we are a member, and we also use it for training new employees.

Promotion of anti-smoking measures

We are implementing a variety of initiatives, such as holding a smoking cessation day, a smoking cessation menu through an elective welfare program, and support for smoking cessation treatment at on-site clinics.
The smoking rate was 25.6% in FY2022 and 22.0% in FY2023.

Infectious Disease Control Initiatives

As a countermeasure against infectious diseases, influenza vaccinations are conducted in-house at major business sites every year. There are advantages such as being able to receive medical examinations during working hours, and the consultation rate was 64.0% in FY2022 and 59.0% in FY2023.

Acquisition of Smart Meal Certification

We have received certification for "Smart Meals"*, a certification system for healthy eating and eating environments, at the employee cafeterias of each business site.
Of the 13 cafeterias nationwide, eight have obtained certification, mainly at the head office and major manufacturing sites, and support the health of employees with nutritionally balanced meals.

* The "Healthy Eating and Food Environment" Consortium, which consists of several academic societies, operates, examines, and certifies the system.

Internal health survey results

We have been conducting employee surveys since fiscal 2022 with the aim of understanding the current situation and elucidating the relationship between health, presenteeism, and engagement.

index 2022 results 2023 results
Productivity inhibition rate due to presenteeism *1 11.7 10.5
Specific details of presenteeism *2 1. Sleep tasks (16.1%)
2. Low back pain (12.3%)
3. Stiff shoulders (11.3%)
1. Sleep tasks (11.5%)
2. Low back pain (10.1%)
3. Stiff shoulders (7.9%)
Percentage of employees with high work engagement *3 63.7% 60.7%

* The survey was conducted by 3,037 respondents in FY2022 (including 2,226 responses) and 2,989 respondents in FY2023 (including 2,063 responses).
*1 A condition in which an employee goes to work with some kind of illness or symptom, and their ability to perform their work or productivity is impaired. Based on the WHO-HPQ questions, it is calculated based on a synthetic index as a result of independently confirming the proportion of productivity decline due to health issues.
*2 Percentage of respondents to internal questionnaires for specific reasons. Excerpts from the top 3 themes.
*3 Calculated based on the following three indicators in the internal questionnaire (positive response rate). "Would you recommend your company to someone you know (52.3%)?", "Do you work with high motivation (68.7%)?", "Job satisfaction" (69.9%).