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  • Expanding UV-curable inks 's deinking technology to include cosmetic clear packaging, contributing to an increase in the material recycling rate of plastics



Expanding UV-curable inks 's deinking technology to include cosmetic clear packaging, contributing to an increase in the material recycling rate of plastics

~Aiming to recycle all of the product, including collection from the market, by 2030~

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artience group 's TOYO INK CO., LTD. (President and Representative Director Hideki Yasuda, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as "TOYO INK") has decided to collaborate with J-Film Co., Ltd. (President and Representative Director Yusuke Takaoka, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as "J-Film") to de-ink clear packaging used in cosmetics and other products.
Utilizing the deinking technology developed by TOYO INK using UV-curable inks and coating agents, as well as the knowledge of J-Film, a major producer of clear sheets for packaging, we are currently conducting demonstration experiments for mass production. First, we aim to commercialize a recycling system for scrap materials generated in printing plants and molding processing plants by 2026, and to establish a system that enables the recycling of all materials, including collection from the market, by 2030.

Image of Cosmetic Clear Package

Printing on plastics plays an important role in displaying product names, ingredients, precautions, etc., as well as enhancing the design, but hard plastics used in many cosmetic clear packages are particularly difficult to deink because of the hard UV-curable inks coating film, which is one of the factors that hinders the promotion of recycling. Nearly 30% of the plastic used in clear packaging for packaging, which is said to be thousands of tons per year, is generated in printing plants and molding processing plants, but since most of it is covered with ink, the horizontal recycling rate of clear sheets, which are the raw material, is less than 10%.
By using a deinking coating agent for UV-curable inks developed by TOYO INK, it is possible to deinking UV-curable inks printed on hard plastics and regenerating them into almost transparent plastics. As a result, it is expected that the recycled plastic will be reused for a wider range of applications, including horizontal recycling into clear sheets.

As a leading printing inks company, TOYO INK has been working to promote the recycling of plastics, such as the recycling of multilayer film packaging, by developing technology to remove printing inks from the substrate. We will promote the recycling of used plastics and contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented society.

About J-Film Corporation

J-Film Co., Ltd. is a company that is working to solve environmental and other social issues through the manufacture and sale of packaging materials, mainly polyethylene films and laminated products, under the motto of "Contributing to society through plastic films." For more information about J-Film Corporation, please visit the following website.

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