Supply Chain Management
- Basic approach
- Promotion system
- Promotion of CSR procurement
- Initiatives to address logistics issues
Basic approach
artience group has approximately 60 Group Companies in approximately 20 countries and regions around the world, and is expanding its business globally. In addition, due to the globalization of business, supply chains are expanding and becoming more complex, and companies are required to fulfill their social responsibilities, including those supply chains. The Group considers the supply chain to be within the scope of its social responsibilities and promotes initiatives that take into account human rights, labor, and the environment.
Specifically, we established the Raw Material Procurement Regulations in June 1990 (revised in January 2024) and are promoting CSR procurement based on the Basic Policy on Procurement (established in April 2005 and revised in January 2024). With the aim of raising the level of CSR of each supplier and improving sustainability upstream of the supply chain, we have established the "Sustainable Supply Chain Guidelines" (established in October 2022 and revised in January 2024). These basic policies and guidelines cover a wide range of sustainability issues, including human rights, labor practices, health and safety, the environment, product safety, compliance, and information security, based on our basic stance of complying with and respecting the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate, international codes of conduct by the United Nations, the ILO, the OECD, and other organizations, and industry standards such as the RBA and AIAG. Japanese, English and Simplified Chinese versions are available, which are well known to Group Companies and suppliers at home and abroad.
The artience Group (hereinafter “the Group”) is contributing to society by offering outstanding products and services to customers, while working to build honest relationships through fair and equitable procurement activities with our suppliers who work with us to build supply chains. With a view to ideal form of supply chains built by the Group and its suppliers in order to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the global environment, the Group established the “Basic Policy on Procurement” (hereinafter “the Basic Policy”), and will conduct procurement activities such as purchasing and outsourcing.
- Compliance with laws and international norms
The Group will comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we conduct procurement activities, and respect and comply with international codes of conduct as well as societal norms in those countries and regions In particular, we will respond to the demands of society, such as by strengthening our response to human rights issues, including those in our supply chain, as provided for under the “UK Modern Slavery Act 2015,” “California Transparency in Supply Chains Act,” “OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,” and “OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict and High-Risk Areas.” - Human rights and labor considerations
The Group will strive to build supply chains in which the human rights of all workers involved are respected and their labor rights and appropriate employment and working environment ensured, so as to eliminate inhumane treatment such as child labor and forced labor, discrimination, harassment, and potential involvement in human rights abuses including procurement of conflict minerals. Furthermore, we will demonstrate consideration for the right to life and the right to live of indigenous peoples and local residents in the areas in which we conduct business operations. - Responsibility for the global environment and resources
In addition to complying with environmental laws and regulations, the Group will strive to voluntarily reduce our environmental impact and our use of resources in order to contribute to the preservation of the global environment and the development of a recycling-oriented society through our procurement activities. We will maintain a particular focus on reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions across our entire supply chain. As a manufacturer of chemicals, we will also ensure that chemical substance control is implemented both for raw materials and the manufacturing process. - Fair business practices
In order to gain the trust of all stakeholders, the Group will conduct our procurement activities based on corporate ethics and responsible business practices and in accordance with all applicable laws. We will prohibit corruption acts such as bribery, the sharing or receiving of illegal gains, the obstruction of fair and open competition, and the infringement of intellectual property rights, as well as strive for appropriate information disclosure so as to ensure confidentiality, accountability, and transparency. - Dissemination of the policy and education
The Group will work to maintain and sustain a sustainable supply chain through appropriate training and education activities relating to human rights, labor issues, and the environment, etc., and by making this Basic Policy and Sustainable Supply Chain Guidelines known to all Group employees and all other persons involved in the supply chain. - Selection of suppliers
Suppliers are our partners when it comes to achieving our vision for a sustainable supply chain through our procurement activities. The Group will select like-minded suppliers who seek to improve the sustainability of the global environment and society based on fair and equitable criteria, comprehensively and rationally taking into account their capabilities and reliability in terms of factors such as legal compliance, quality, price, supply capacity, technological capability, and ability to provide information. To maintain a sustainable supply chain, we will also conduct appropriate surveys and audits of our suppliers and work toward continuous improvement.
To achieve the objectives of this paragraph, we will apply the following criteria in the selection of new suppliers and periodic checks of the status of existing suppliers.Standard for Selecting Suppliers
- Legal compliance
The supplier must always comply with laws and regulations, and respect international codes of conduct. In particular, the supplier must conduct corporate activities in good faith for all supply chain stakeholders, with due consideration to human rights and labor practices. - Quality
The supplier must maintain stable quality using a quality control system that adequately meets the Group’s quality requirements. - Price
The supplier must offer prices that are appropriate and economically rational. The price of raw materials must be at a level that allows the Group to compete on price in the market. - Supply capacity
The supplier must satisfy our desired volume and delivery terms and ensure a stable supply. - Technological capabilities
The supplier must possess the technological capabilities necessary to support the monozukuri (manufacturing excellence) goals of the Group. - Ability to provide information
The supplier must be able to provide necessary or relevant information and proposals to the Group in a timely and appropriate manner. - Confidentiality
The supplier must be able to maintain the confidentiality of information obtained in the course of transacting business with the Group using an appropriate information control and security system. - Environmental-friendly
The supplier must strive to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the supply chain, demonstrating adequate consideration for global environmental protection, the preservation of resources and biodiversity. - Management base
The supplier must practice sound and sustainable business management based on a resilient business foundation. - CSR management
The supplier must practice corporate social responsibility in business activities in conformance with the Basic Policy and the Sustainable Supply Chain Guidelines, or in compliance with business practices at an equivalent level.
- Legal compliance
- Revision, abolition and management
Decisions regarding the revision or abolition of this Basic Policy shall be made by the Board of Directors of artience Co., Ltd.
The department in charge of the revision and abolition of this Basic Policy shall be the department that oversees the procurement activities of artience Co., Ltd.
Established on April 2005
Revised on January 1, 2024 (Resolved at Board of Directors on December 8, 2023)
Promotion system
Group Purchasing Department artience Co., Ltd. plays a central role in promoting CSR procurement activities for suppliers based on the Basic Policy on Procurement and the Sustainable Supply Chain Guidelines.
In addition, risks related to CSR procurement are regularly assessed by Risk Management Committee, information is shared, and risks are prevented from occurring and risks are reduced.
Promotion of CSR procurement
Through CSR procurement, we hope to ensure legal compliance in the supply chain and contribute to the improvement of the working environment and the global environment. To this end, we are implementing measures to (1) disseminate the Basic Policy on Procurement and the Sustainable Supply Chain Guidelines, (2) conduct surveys, audits, and improve activities for suppliers, and (3) deepen the understanding of employees.
Since fiscal 2021, we have been preparing for full-scale procurement due diligence, and since fiscal 2022, we have been conducting sustainability surveys of domestic suppliers sequentially and feeding back the results of the analysis to our procurement activities.
The Group itself is also working to improve the sustainability of the entire supply chain together with customers by confirming efforts to respect human rights in procurement activities, conducting supply chain sustainability assessments through EcoVadis, and responding to CSR procurement questionnaires from customers.
- Implementation of CSR Procurement Surveys
- Initiatives for new suppliers
- Response to Conflict Minerals and Avoidance of Complicity in Human Rights Violations in Procurement
- Sustainability assessment by EcoVadis
Revision of the "Declaration of Partnership Building"

"We will not make unreasonable requests for cost reductions, and we will hold discussions with subcontractors at least once a year when determining transaction considerations, and strive to fully discuss with subcontractors to ensure that they can improve their working conditions, including their appropriate profits."
Going forward, we will continue to promote dialogue and collaboration with our suppliers with the aim of achieving further mutual prosperity.
Initiatives to address logistics issues
Efforts to address the 2024 logistics problem
Since 2020, artience Co., Ltd. has endorsed the "White Logistics" promotion campaign advocated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and has published a declaration of voluntary action. As an initiative, we will improve and relocate relay bases to optimize delivery and receiving.
In addition, with the understanding and cooperation of our customers, we will work together in the supply chain to reduce the burden on logistics operators, and strive to maintain and improve logistics, which is an important social infrastructure, by easing delivery lead times, shortening waiting times at delivery destinations, and reducing incidental operations.
Examples of past initiatives
- Separation of trunk transportation part and collection and delivery part
- Improving the efficiency of vehicle dispatch and loading rate through joint delivery at LogicNet Co., Ltd., which was established through joint investment with a company in the same industry (since 2000)
- Participating in the “White Logistics” promotion movement (2020-)
- With the cooperation of customers, we set order closing times that take delivery into account, reducing long working hours for logistics operators (from 2020)
Participating in the “White Logistics” promotion movement
artience Co., Ltd. (formerly TOYO INK SC Holdings Co., Ltd.) supports the "White Logistics" promotion campaign advocated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and in May 2020, announced a voluntary action declaration. . We aim to realize sustainable logistics by collaborating with raw material suppliers, business partners, and logistics operators to promote efficient logistics through appropriate transportation contracts and joint logistics.
Initiative items | Initiative details |
Separation of trunk transportation part and collection and delivery part | We will actively work to separate the trunk transportation part and the delivery part to promote efficient logistics. |
Separation of work parts other than operation | If we receive a consultation from a logistics company regarding the separation of operational work and ancillary work other than driving, we will sincerely respond to the discussion. |
Promotion of written transportation contracts | We will promote the documentation of transportation contracts. |
Separate contract for freight and charges | When concluding a transportation contract, in principle, the consideration for transportation (freight) and the consideration for services other than transportation (charges) are entered into separately. |
Optimization of subcontracting transactions | We also request our own companies and the logistics companies with whom we have transportation contracts to ensure that, when outsourcing to subcontractors, we require ``written transportation contracts'' and ``separate contracts for freight and charges.'' |
Consideration of legal compliance status when selecting a contract partner | When selecting a logistics company to contract with, we consider compliance with relevant laws and regulations. |
Cancellation or suspension of operations due to abnormal weather, etc. | We will not make unreasonable transportation requests when abnormal weather such as typhoons, heavy rain, or heavy snow occurs or is expected to occur. Additionally, if a logistics operator determines that it is necessary to cancel or suspend operations in order to ensure the safety of drivers, we will respect that decision. |
Promoting joint logistics | We will collaborate with raw material suppliers and other companies to promote joint logistics initiatives. |